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Tailor’s Bunion Corrector

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Posted 3 years ago


Last updated: 01/07/2023


by James McCormack

James McCormack
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A Tailor’s Bunion affects the baby toe (5th Metatarsal) of the foot, which can be painful or an aesthetic issue. The name (tailor’s bunion) originates from the position that Tailors used to sit in, which placed excess pressure on the outside of the foot leading it to change position. When a Tailor’s Bunion is uncomfortable, a Tailor’s Bunion corrector can provide pain relief. 

A Tailor’s bunion normally forms from poorly fitted shoes or biomechanical defects in the general population. There are several treatment options for Tailor’s bunions, including the correct shoes and exercises while this article will provide recommendations on the best Tailor’s Bunion Corrector.

James McCormack is a Physical Therapist specialising in knee, foot & ankle injuries. www.james-mccormack.com participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Earnings from this are used to create free-to-read content without affecting the price of the products we recommend.

Best Tailor’s Bunion Corrector

The best Tailor’s Bunion Corrector should be comfortable with an element of compression and semi-rigid. The compression helps to manage any swelling, while a certain level of rigidity helps to improve the toe’s position, providing some pain relief.

Tailor’s Bunion Corrector for Activity

We recommend the Tailor’s Bunion Corrector by Chanmeen as they contain an anti-slip surface to be used during activity. At the same time, their cover reduces the risk of blistering with activity.

The Tailor’s Bunion Corrector has a gel pad on the outer aspect to reduce friction and direct compression on the Tailor’s Bunion, while the heel strap prevents it from slipping off.

We recommend this Tailor’s Bunion Corrector is an excellent solution for mild to moderate symptoms of Tailor’s Bunion.

Buy Tailor's Bunion Corrector

Tailor’s Bunion Corrector For Night and Non-Weight-Bearing

We recommend the Sumiwish Toe Separator for pain relief from a Tailor’s bunion to wear at night or when at rest. The 3 individual toe holders alongside the semi-splint help to maintain the alignment of the toes for pain relief.

The silicone cover is soft but has some rigidity, which helps keep the toes in place and is easy to wash and maintain.

We do not recommend wearing this for walking or impact activity, but it is an excellent overnight solution.

We recommend the Sumiwish Tailor’s Bunion Corrector for moderate to severe symptoms of Tailor’s Bunion.

Buy Sumiwish Corrector

Physiotherapy with James McCormack

This is not medical advice. We recommend a consultation with a medical professional such as James McCormack. He offers Online Physiotherapy Appointments weekly.

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