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Sever’s Disease and Sport

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Posted 3 years ago


Last updated: 08/11/2023


by James McCormack

James McCormack
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Can you play sport with Sever’s Disease?

Yes, you can continue to play sports with Sever’s disease. In very irritable cases, a period of 2-4 weeks of rest from sport may be required, but overall you can continue to play sports alongside home treatment, and Physical Therapy Stretches.

Sever's Disease Diagram

What exercise can you do with Sever’s Disease?

We recommend non-impact exercise if you have Sever’s Disease. The best examples are swimming and cycling as both activities are impact free. You can do weight training, roller skiing and rowing with Sever’s Disease, as these are highly unlikely to aggravate your symptoms.

Can you play football with Sever’s Disease?

Yes, you can continue to play football with Sever’s Disease. You might find that playing on softer surfaces is less painful. Speak to your coach about taking regular breaks to ice your heel if you have rolling substitutions.

If your pain continually increases while you play, then a 2-4 week rest may be required.

Can you play through Sever’s Disease?

We rarely recommend an individual to play through pain, and while the likelihood of severe or long-term injury is low, we recommend that you stop playing, rest and ice your heel. Your pain continually worsens while you play. We recommend speaking to a medical professional to establish a precise diagnosis and return to play plan.

Can you play basketball with Sever’s Disease?

Yes, you can play basketball with Sever’s disease, with one of the benefits of rolling substitutes enabling you to manage the condition effectively. We recommend playing for short periods, icing your heel on the bench, and continuously stretching your calf and foot muscles.

Can gymnastics cause heel pain?

Gymnastics requires a lot of high-velocity movements that place high levels of force through the Achilles Tendon. As a result, this can cause Sever’s Disease in children and teenagers or Achilles Tendonitis in Adults.

Can you run with Sever’s Disease?

Running is one of the vital aggravating factors for Sever’s Disease. If you have a painful heel that is caused by Sever’s Disease, we would recommend that you reduce your running volume and speed, especially during sprint sessions or hill sessions.

To maintain cardiovascular fitness, we recommend cross-training with non-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling or rowing.

Physiotherapy with James McCormack

This is not medical advice and we recommend a consultation with a medical professional such as James McCormack before trying any of these exercises. James offers Online Physiotherapy Appointments for £45.

Related Article: Sever’s Disease: Stretches

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