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Knee Brace for Bursitis

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Posted 2 years ago


Last updated: 19/12/2022


by James McCormack

James McCormack
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James McCormack is a Physical Therapist who specialises in knee, foot & ankle injuries. www.james-mccormack.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

What is Bursitis of the Knee?

A bursa is a fine membrane that contains a small volume of fluid. They are located at various points around our body to reduce friction and provide protection at moving joints, where harder tissue may injure softer tissue. There are over 150 bursae in the human body. At the knee, there are about 11 bursae, with the most well-known being the prepatellar bursa and the pes anserine bursa, as these are the most likely to cause issues and pain.

Bursitis is the term used to describe the inflammation of a bursa. This is a painful condition of the bursa, and the bursa will develop a greater volume of fluid within the membrane. This can make the bursa bigger and more likely to get compressed which can further irritate and inflame the bursa, which can create a cycle that is difficult to break.

Read more about these common bursitis injuries of the knee in our related articles: Pes Anserine Bursitis and Housemaid’s Knee (Prepatellar Bursitis)

Best Brace for Bursitis

Part of the management of bursitis is a reduction or complete break from doing aggravating activities, which might be walking or running for pes anserine bursitis, or kneeling for prepatellar bursitis. Along with modifying your activities, a knee brace can help your recovery from bursitis in different ways, depending on the type of brace.

Structured Braces

Structured braces can offer support to the movement of the knee. If your knee has a valgus movement, which means it moves inwards,  a structures brace can help support your knee to move in a straighter line. A valgus movement can be congenital, but can also be caused by weakness around the hips as well as around the knee. Seeing a physical therapist can be helpful if this is the case as they can assess your movements and strength and offer you a program of exercises to work on these weaknesses.

This Bauerfeind knee brace has a structured design to help the alignment of the knee through movement. With conditions such as pes anserine bursitis, a valgus movement can put more pressure and stress on the bursa which can cause the inflammatory condition as well as aggravate it if it has a different cause. The sidebars of the brace will restrict inward movement and the tight sleeve can help to improve your awareness of movement, which is known as proprioception.

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Compression Braces

Compressive sleeves are used for a variety of needs, including bursitis and general recovery as they can help to increase blood circulation. For a bursitis such as Housemaid’s Knee, or prepatellar bursitis, a compression sleeve can be very helpful. The compression can prevent the bursa from becoming too swollen and the improved circulation can help with the natural processes of repair and recovery of the inflamed bursa.

This Powerlix compressive sleeve is a lightweight compressive sleeve that can help reduce swelling and can therefore often reduce pain. It is easy to pull on, and stays in place with silicon strips. It is breathable and washable, so it is easy to use and keep clean.

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Physiotherapy with James McCormack

This is not medical advice. We recommend a consultation with a medical professional such as James McCormack. He offers Online Physiotherapy Appointments.


Related Articles:
Housemaid’s Knee Advice
Pes Anserine Bursitis Treatment
Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
Ankle Bursitis

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